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Notice : We are reopen

Dear ilium salon clients,

We hope you and your bubble are safe and well. We are very much looking forward to reopening the salon as soon as we enter the new COVID-19 Protection Framework (or Alert Level 3 Step 3 if that ever happens). We miss you!

We can’t wait to welcome our clients with vaccine certificates into our salon as soon as we can reopen under the traffic light system. We take pride in reassuring you that all of our ilium salon staff are fully vaccinated. We’ll be able to safely operate at all levels under the new system – red, orange and green – because we’ll be complying with the new Government requirements for vaccination certificates to be presented prior to entry to our salon. This will give you the peace of mind that we are doing our utmost to create a safe and healthy salon to give you the best possible experience.

We'll be able to start rescheduling missed bookings and confirming new ones once we have more certainty about when we can open; otherwise, we run the risk of having to reschedule again if lockdown is extended further. In the meantime, here’s our plan for reopening.

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